RES: [syndicate] Re: Cibercultura

Guilherme Kujawski kujawski at
Wed Sep 3 15:34:11 CEST 2003

> how seldom people give credits very nice

Thanx, Claudia from ezaic.

In fact, Cibercultura's proposal is not exactly promote blindly Art, but to
question it. We like Hermann Broch's thoughts about kitsch art, a disgusting
and convenient replication of reality. For Broch, art must recreate the
real. That is our point. By the way, reify art is a dangerous paux pas, a
fallacy. At least in Brazil, the figure of the artist is abhorrent. In this
matter, RageBoy have a point in his post titled: "the difference between
decoration and art": Some people seem to go trippy all over when it comes to
ART. These people tend to think of themselves as artists. It's a big deal
for them to be artists, because then they can tell other artists that
they're artists too. Then they all talk about how heavy their art is and how
they're getting these way deep insights and shit. To me, it seems a bit
embarrassing. But you know my philosophy: live and let live. That's right. I
mean, it's not like these individuals are actually hurting anyone with their
meaningless bullshit about numinous archetypal this and that. But I have to
say that this is why I am currently so fascinated by spam. It's definitely
not ART, which to me, is a good thing. I fuck around with it and make it
into anti-art. There's a long tradition of this sort of thing, not that I
see myself as following in anybody's footsteps in  this regard. I mean, in
Tristan Tzara's day, they didn't even have spam. And yet, he said, "Art is
not the most precious manifestation of life. Art has not the celestial and
universal value that people like to attribute to it. Life is far more
interesting." Yes, I would have to agree with the dead gentleman from
Zürich. Yes indeed. His brouhaha precedes him. So back then, they had to use
toilets and stuff like that. Urinals. Brides descending staircases in
wireframe guilelessness. The fact of the matter, if you really want to know,
is that I fucking hate art. I think it sucks. I would rather go to a Monster
Truck rally than to the frigging Musee du Louvre (however you say that). 

(full post in:

Food for thought.

Guilherme Kujawski

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