R & P - a virtual conversation

Deb King debkking at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 19 17:49:42 CEST 2003


Rosemarie and Paul

An investigation into the juxtapositions/intersections of the body and
virtual access based on 2 texts, the first chapter of 'Open Sky,' by Paul
Virilio, amd Rosemarie Garlamd Thomson's essay 'Integrating Disability,
Transforming Feminist Theory. 


The dialogue which takes place here both does and does not take place
here. The characters gathered together in dialogue converse, interact, and
react to each other, but without ever having met or been present with each
other in the same time and space. Their dialogue takes place in a
territory defined by the immaterial environment of nodes and packets
traveling beyond the speed of light along fiber-optic cables. The words
that they speak are composed of a series of binary codes; ones and zeros
debating the relevance or irrelevance of the human body. Can the body
possibly retain relevance in an environment which refuses to afford it an
identity? Does our increasing dependence on technology create an
environment in which we are unable to perceive differences? Is this the
unifying disability of our society; the prosthetic keyboard which makes
our body a terminal and unites us in behavioral inertia? Here, Paul and
Rosemary meet in a cathode tube to discuss the body, representation,
identity, and activism. 

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