arsche at arsche at
Sat Oct 18 01:54:30 CEST 2003

             A   Q   U   A     
 S   U   P   R   A   C   E   L   E   S   T  E  S

'The Water Above the Firmament'
[aquae supra coelestes]

Regarding the film AQUA SUPRACELESTES by Arie van 
Schutterhoef & Hans van Eck, the selection committee 
has the pleasure of confirming  that it has been 
selected for the Sasą International  Award 2003,
international competition  festival, an official initiative 
of the United Nations,  recognized in over 40 countries. 
Over the last few months, the selection committee had the  
opportunity to view more than 1000 films, preselected and 
sent to the festival organization.
Sasą International  Award 2003
November 11th - 14th (1th edition),  Catania -  Italy 
an official initiative of the United Nations.

Images have always played a crucial role in the alchemy
esspecially where they were depicting quintessential
elements of life and nature. With graphical programs
abstract forms were made and with the aid of virtual reality
applications these were given the movement from one to
multiple dimensions of depth. This led to several
image-sequences, which in one way could reflect the quest
for the essential form of things as experience, but in
another way, this quest for the essential form of things
could be regarded as an action:

A guiding principle for the music is on one side the
meaning/content of the images and symbols in the video, on
the other side the pure material appearance of it. The sound
colours of the music are related to the visible colours: so
can the colour Blue be clearly identified as a
voice/choir-like sound with a suggestion of spaciousness;
deep, dark sounds to be associated with Brown -the Earth;
White  can be recognised by the use fundamentalless rustling
noises at the end.

Arie van Schutterhoef
Hans van Eck

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