No subject

portholeaccel portholeaccel at
Fri Oct 17 16:54:23 CEST 2003


Paul Addison prosecuting, told the jury Mr
Caffrey hacked into the computer server at the
port in order to target a female chatroom user
called Bokkie, following an argument. 

It was said in court they argued over anti-US
remarks she had made. 

  I have hacked into computers legally for
friends to test their server security because
they asked me to but never illegally 

Aaron Caffrey  
Mr Caffrey, who suffers from a form of autism
called Asperger's Syndrome, was said to be in
love with an American girl called Jessica. 

The court was told he named his computer after
her and dedicated his "attack script" to her. 

The attack saw scheduling computer systems at the
port bombarded with thousands of electronic
messages on 20 September, 2001. 

It froze the port's web service, which contained
vital data for shipping, mooring companies and
support firms responsible for helping ships
navigate in and out of the harbour

*************Bullauge Beschleuniger*********


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