[syndicate] \\ bl bl bl

svetlana null null null sve_null at autistici.org
Thu Oct 2 22:39:09 CEST 2003

integer at www.god-emil.dk wrote:

>>And I work in an even older library. Boredom and silence please.

Dear (nn);
ComesHereAfterLongTime (I);
FindALittleRepetitiveStill (You);
ButAppreciatesTheIntentAndPurity (I);
ThoughtItWasLove (I);
ButNowWonderWhoPays (You);
WonderWhoWins (Capital, You, Me, TheOthers);
WonderWhoCares (Love, God, Humanity, Money, Progress, BigWords);
MeNotUnderstand (Patterns);
Me (Deluded, NotYetPayed, Dislocated, LovesYou);
Ciao (nn);
CantWriteThisLanguageEitherSoShutUp (I);
Silence (Language);
Please (BoredomAndSilence);
Forgive (MyIntrusion);
Why (YouUSeJAVA);
Noone (LiberatedFromCapitalism);

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