\\ | Viper 2003 - Ready made. Custom made. IMMUNE>PLAY [TM]

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Nov 27 21:32:12 CET 2003

        | Viper 2003 - Ready made. Custom made.  
          Internationales Festival für Film Video und Neue Medien 21-25 Nov.2003
          http://www.viper.ch  :: http://www.viper.ch         

                                 Evvvery body ready ?!




        Twice upon a time,

             Mr. Palermo ............................... Cycling74 attorney
             J.K.Clayton ............................... Cycling74 employee
                         ............................... NN's "VOICE"

           Mr. Palermo: `Your messages use the designations "confidential" and "privileged".
                        However, we do not agree to any obligation of confidentiality to you
                        or your client for any communications, and these communications do not meet
                        the requirements for privilege protection.'

                      : "We did discuss the possibility of Cycling74 proving that it did not
                        reverse engineer or copy NATO. This is something he will discuss with
                        Zicarelli, who is on vacation now, as soon as possible.

                        Zicarelli, who is on vacation now,

                        Zicarelli, who is on vacation now,

                        Zicarelli, who is on vacation now,"

           Mr. Palermo: "Unfortunately, Mr. Clayton is out of the country"

                      : "Zicarelli, who is on vacation now,"

   Christopher Palermo: "Unfortunately, Mr. Clayton is out of the country"

                      : "Zicarelli, who is on vacation now,"

          Mr. Palermo: "Although our interpretation of certains [sic] words is inconclusive due to your client's 
                       use of non-standard English syntax, at this stage, it appears that you and your client 
                       have misinterpreted these communications to erroneously suggest copying or reverse engineering 
                       of software, when in fact there has been non [sic].

   Joshua Kit Clayton: "I reverse engineered parts of nato [sic]"

          Mr. Palermo: `As a non lawyer, Mr. Clayton cannot be expected to know this, and therefore his alleged "admission" is not persuasive.'

                     : `I have read the correspondence from Mr. Clayton's attorneys.  The October 4,
                       2002 correspondence misstates the law regarding the effect of Mr. Clayton's
                       knowledge of the law, and the fact that he may be shielded from liability or
                       that damages may be mitigated because of his ignorance and his status as a
                       non-lawyer.  The statement regarding "romantic overtures" indicates a lawyer
                       who is apparently focusing on embarrassing the copyright owner to avoid
                       litigation rather than get to the merits.'

          Mr. Palermo: `As a non lawyer, Mr. Clayton cannot be expected to know this, and therefore his alleged "admission" is not persuasive.'

                     : "I mentioned the possibility of you starting a proceeding against
                       Cycling and he stated that Cycling74 would prefer to settle things amicably."

          Mr. Palermo: `As a non lawyer, Mr. Clayton cannot be expected to know this, and therefore his alleged "admission" is not persuasive.'

            Wired.com:  http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/4.02/rants.html

          Mr. Palermo:  `Intel's Insides 
                        I wish you would edit out such truly sophomoric comments as the suggestion 
                        that a German programmer's theft of Intel Pentium trade secrets is 
                        "another case of the Internet breaking through censorship" ("Inside Intel," Wired 3.11, page 55). 
                        Intel has every right to keep confidential any information that gives it a competitive edge; 
                        labeling that "censorship" is ludicrous. And Wired's decision to lionize, rather than deplore, 
                        the programmer who publicized the data is disturbing. Wired should be condemning the new generation 
                        of digital bandits, not casting them as freedom fighters.' 

   Joshua Kit Clayton: "Learning = thievery"

          Mr. Palermo: `Your messages use the designations "confidential" and "privileged".
                       However, we do not agree to any obligation of confidentiality to you
                       or your client for any communications, and these communications do not meet
                       the requirements for privilege protection.'

                       INTER MISSION:  all births are painful. you may begin your deep breathing now.

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