\\ multi-porting

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Thu Nov 20 09:14:21 CET 2003

the estimable (-.-) David Zicarelli (whose principal products' names are ported from their respective authors' names
                                     whose web site = littered with teleports of 30 years old 
                                     supermarket cycling images) has said:

"You have a program that works on one computer, and the
stupidest person in the world can say, ŒŒWhy donıt
you make the same program work on this other
computer?ıı The level of thought behind the suggestion
is inversely proportional to the effort the
suggestion requires to implement it. So thatıs
whatıs frustrating to me‹this really stupid idea to
just make it work on another computer. There is
absolutely no creative work in that‹itıs the most
horrible work in the world"

"New Products
 Max/MSP for Windows is now shipping"

Cycling74 - the "most horrible work" company 
... practically all Cycling74 products are ports of other people's work.

So much so that recently, Cycling74 workers are instructing their "customers" (      )
to download Apple's applications that Cycling74 copy/pasted the code from,
in order to find the bugs in "Cycling74's software" (      )

           (    )

the story whispers

>find me a baby sitter








ltz dr!ve (http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/thesaurus) 

>in honor of your absence i selected a midnight moment to give away nine
>antiorp cd's - to anyone who could come up to the microphone and vocalize
>an antiorpism.

nn - port!ng !earz

          juzzzzzzt l!ke ...

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