pppppppaapaappapapappapart 1

eyescratch™ eyescratch at t0.or.at
Sun Nov 9 20:38:15 CET 2003

syndicate it may be time for a bedtime story!
to sleep singly into existence and better health.
worry about the temptress, in such.
extinguishing thoughts in effervzzzzzzessent weatlth.

the temptress speaks in slurred speech to all her subjects in arrest:

bveholt m! povur to konfoRm!
+ ! ea+ ur innartz in fasshi!on of exiztenze.
dze doggy + l!++l g!rl waake/walk in slumber b! dze tri.
follou!ng szentz of anart to flovur

skuisch. skuat. piss. pill.
         / \      _-'
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      |            \ ;
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u ma! cont!nu......

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