\\ KURT RALSKE: JIT.PILOT + DIGITAL BANDIT __>> $imply unique injunction

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon Nov 24 21:10:33 CET 2003

Mr. Kurt Ralske,

We have conducted an investigation of `your` software - AUVI

1. Boring. 

2. Copied (are you simply tralalela + whistles or ... can you be so delusional to think that changing
   our 242.names and others' names would evade litigation?)

3. AUVI distributions have included verbatim copies (your stupidity borders on brilliance) 
   of documents owned by us. Our counsel has your admission of infringement and the respective documents.
   The AUVI distribution additionally bandits other companies' intellectual property and 
   the respective companies have been notified (again your unique stupidity borders on brilliance, we say so v.seriously)
   For your sake we hope they will be as gentle as we have been in our prior requests.

4. Several digital banditry issues exist (besides 242.pilots), which you shall be learning of from yet other VOICES.
   We are exponentially disappointed.

I am `sorry` to say that the game / vacanza is over dear `estimables` / digital bandits. 

NN - back _ carving neu + improved names. utterly amazed by the stupidity of pop.tart artists + `professional` programmers ...
     honestly you should really consider bottling your stupidity and selling that to unscrupulous marionettes. 
     it contains more residual life energy than your simply.occident `creative` endeavors.

                                                        - mode o1: 242.tomatoes trampbpbpbpbulina

Mr. Kurt Ralske, yet another 2 bit DIGITAL BANDIT occident buffoon
is part of the pop.tart duet "242.pilots" (occident digital banditry), along with Mr. Gilje +       .

Mr. Kurt Ralske  -  http://www.miau-miau.com / http://www.auv-i.de
Mr. HC Gilje     -  http://www.nervousvision.com/vroom.html

May view the NATO.0+55.license at: 
 -  http://www.immuneplay.com/242.kolateral/242.lawsuits/auvi+242.pilots/nato.0+55.license.jpg

May view the NATO.0+55.license Kurt Ralske\AUVI stole at: 
 -  http://www.immuneplay.com/242.kolateral/242.lawsuits/auvi+242.pilots/auvi.thievery.license.jpg

NATO.0+55.license excerpt:

"You may not reverse engineer. disassemble. decompile. 
    modify. adapt. translate. or create derivative works based on the software without prior written consent of the company"


                                        I am `sorry` to say that the game / vacanza is over dear `estimables`. 
                                        NN has super-glued the 2 worlds \i never fail\ + wishes to immuneplay++



                                                meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn.     


Netochka Nezvanova  - simply.SUPERIOR
= c w 4 t 7 a b s

                                                    |    krvava gruda plodna zemlja

                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t        
                                                       |       >

PART DEUX: Mr. Kurt Ralske. AUVI. "242.pilots"    | note: The pop.tarts at "242.pilots" do not represent Netochka Nezvanova
                                                          nor NATO.0+55 nor any of Netochka Nezvanova's simply.delicious quadrants.
                                                          The 242.BANDITS / JIT.pilots were expressly denied permission to use  
                                                          any such names. Litigation is forthcoming.

In reference to Jeremy Bernstein's hard drive being saturated with stolen software,
as corroborated by Mr. J.Dekam (the infernal trio I tell you) Kurt Ralske has said:

"bernstein is a born thief. it's creepy,
 he doesn't even realize he's doing it."

One may view the NATO.0+55.license at: 
 -  http://www.immuneplay.com/242.kolateral/242.lawsuits/auvi+242.pilots/nato.0+55.license.jpg

One may view the NATO.0+55.license Kurt Ralske\"AUVI" stole at: 
 -  http://www.immuneplay.com/242.kolateral/242.lawsuits/auvi+242.pilots/auvi.thievery.license.jpg

Everyone looks forward to learning more Mr. Ralske.
In the p \a\ l a c e

Alluding to Mr. Dekam's business practices Mr. Ralske has offered:

³the objects expire every three months (even if compiled),
 so unlikely anyone would even try to use them in "commercial software".
 i just don't feel comfortable with the dekams of the world profiteering...²

Elsewhere Mr. Kurt Ralske stipulates:

"Auvi and other trademarks" 

thievery ... you do not think do you Mr. Digital Bandit®

                - FORGET ZPAM > SAMPLE DZE DIGITAL BANDITRY kan ov hypokritikal uormz within worms within worms
                - FORGET ZPAM > SAMPLE DZE DIGITAL BANDITRY kan ov hypokritikal worms within uormz within worms
                - FORGET ZPAM > SAMPLE DZE DIGITAL BANDITRY kan ov hypokritikal worms within worms within uormz 

                        | enough digital banditry fairy tales 2|2|2 bankrupt the occident heavens ... 

242.lsuits \\ winter.K[]LEKTION     


"very nice post nn --
 nice to have you back"


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