\\ lez chouchouz dez f!llez !!

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Nov 2 05:52:54 CET 2003

zom 1 b!t 1 d!menz!onl dezt!tut perzonaj [!e. jankee kr!ket] t!pd

>, and I won't bother
>with the Ferrari fixation.

!t = 01 rel!g!on uhoze del!z!ouz reuardz ovrf!l 1 u!th !ntenz!t! + l!beratd l!f energ!e

!t = 01 mag!kl flu!d!t!. 1x zubl!m + m!lk! zent!mnt uear a l l flouz !n 2 1 + bkmz koherent + zenz!kl
01 del!kaz! ___... az !mperzept!bl az dze l!ghtnesz ov touch \m!\

!t = dze mozt poet!k + exku!z!t ekzper!ensz ekl!pzd b! 0+0 ___...
radzr deepl! !ntertanglnd avec ____... odr pr!or!t!ez ov dze m9nd

hou dez!r + emoz!onz br!ng dze bod! !n2 ekztaz! = z!mpl!.remarkabl
hou                                             = z!mpl!.remarkabl

>I wish nn/i would provide the above noted production.


al!zflovlv \\ nn - m9ndfzpd

>Henry Warwick <henry.warwick at sbcglobal.net>

1 d!menz!onl jankee nematode az mozt odrz

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