bit of a pickle...

furtherfield info at
Wed May 28 18:13:15 CEST 2003

I'm in a bit of a pickle at the moment; in fact I'm in deep shit, literally.
You see I've been transmuted into a dog turd. Now this was my own decision,
I've always wanted to know what it was like to be a piece of shit and now I
know. The problem is that I have been patiently waiting to be turned back to
my original form. It was only meant to take fifteen minutes at the most and
it definitely feels as though I have been in this form for hours. Something
strange is happening; not just the predicament of being a piece of dog shit
but not having the ability to see or hear causes unrest. So I have no way of
knowing what is happening, can't see a bloody thing and my sense of smell is
of course no longer with me. Yet there are plenty of images buzzing around
in what I suppose is my consciousness, but how? I have no head to contain a
brain, are the chemical compounds which previously existed in my head now a
part of the turd I inhabit?

marc garrett

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