\\ rezearch

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Mon May 26 06:10:30 CEST 2003

> <P>US scientists have created a chip that sifts wriggling sperm from dud
>               ones. It could become a fixture in infertility clinics, they hope.</P>
>        <P>Obstetrics researcher Gary Smith hit on the idea when he heard about a
>               curious phenomenon of fluids: microscopically narrow streams running side by
>               side barely mix. "I thought well, gosh, this would help to sort sperm," says
>               Smith, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.</P>


- pardon m! madam
- ou! monz!eur
- ... daa ... az _ue r ua!t!ng h!er at d!sz zemafor z!de b! v.narou z!de ! z!mpl!
  kouldnt help but pondr dzat d!sz ud help ... mmmhm
- zmakkk
- auu re:zearch 

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