
eyescratch eyescratch at share.dj
Thu May 8 08:06:40 CEST 2003

in a rhythm stylee.
jack the car door cuz we all on vice.

famous last words escape in subterfuge.
similar to what you sow is what you reap,
what you put in comes out. sure there is a
chance for short circuit and re-routing in the
grey matter. ignoring? not possible. the
recycling receptacle is continually writing.
oh's and ah's ring out, drowning out the
famous church bell. oh it's one o'clock again!

so perception, steered with euphemism, quests
for the new. oh, that's just repetition ringing,
let me borrow that and I'll give you an extra
hour when the hype has died down. time bandits
walk over and select a book of choice.

He IS a puppet. Low-res for sure.


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