No subject

integer at integer at
Mon Mar 31 06:38:15 CEST 2003

>Hello . .

hello Clay

>> Clay,
>> As suggested, I feel fairly certain that your brusque decision was 
>> reached
>> after my comments regarding the illegal war the United JANKEE THIEVES 
>> of North America
>> is conducting and the illegal activities of Cycling74 INTOKXIKATED 
>Your comments couldn't be further from reality. 

My comments are far from the United States mais ...

>I could care less about 
>what you write about the war or Cycling 74. I don't condone the actions 
>of this country and I also think that  the current US regime is a bunch 
>of Yankee thieves. 

You are welcome in Eastern Europe, although, we do prefer women
since ost.europa 2x are being exported at an alarming rate ...

>I'm surprised 

I am not quite sure what happens to them. Do you know +?

>that you think I would get upset over 
>someone's comments against the current war. I fucking hate the war!

                                                W h y +?

>  As for cycling 74, 

           l ø v e

>I am in no way affiliated with them except for 
>owning a copy of Max/MSP. I don't know what they did to your software 
>or whatever dispute you have with them but I can assure you I do not 
>have an opinion one way or the other. 

I am surprised

>That is the NN vs C74 war, and I 
>want no part of it. 

I am glad.

>I simply want to stop administering a mailing list.

When I lived in the USA many employees declaimed: "I just work here"
when asked to assume responsibility.

>  I started looking for someone else to admin the list about a week ago. 

And you haven't yet found anyone +?
I offer my assistance should you desire it.

>You may think the timing is weird or whatever, 

I try not to think. I do feel certain things which lead to other things ...

>but my decision to stop 
>administering the LEV list has nothing to do with you. I have been 
>running the LEV list for 4 1/2 years and I'm ready to move on. 

I agree. But if one is a man one should always finish what one has started don't you think +?

>Nothing more complicated than that. 

Girls don't know when to stop.

>So please hear what I'm saying: 
>The list 
>will go on as soon as I find someone else to administer it 

Clay, why stop the list if you haven't found "someone", although as you may recall (do you +?
I have accepted to undertake the gargantuan task - TWICE. Have you rejekted my application +?

And ... what is your opinion of Mr. John Hopkins' assertion
that I have been unsubscribed because others requested it +?

And ... was I unsubscribed before you closed the list +?

Mr. John Hopkins also advised me to shoot myself.
What is your opinion of Mr. John Hopkins +?

>and You, 
>like everyone else on the list, will still be a member.
>> Likewise, I wish to file a formal complaint with CalArts.

>> Would you please make available the contact information
>> for the most competent person(s) at CalArts +?
>go right ahead, but you probably want to know that I'm not currently 
>working there. You can contact Tom Erbe who is the technical director. 
>(tre at

I just live here.

friendly, NN

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