\\ dze !nzul!n konekz!on

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sat Mar 29 02:47:30 CET 2003

>LONDON, 27 March 2003 ‹ It is now five days since the British and US governments launched an unprecedented military invasion of my country of birth, its people, land, towns and cities. This attack was launched without UN authority, public support or the will of the international community.

az !f dze u!ll ov dze mob ud juzt!f! dze relokaz!on ov jankee fat

verd!kt: !n humanz - obez!t! tendz 2 shou up !n malez at dze louer end ov dze soc!oekonom!k zkale 

!e. amer!kanz = u!te trash

nn - zpread!ng zelf-hatred.  u!ked zm!lz ... ! m 2 laz! 2 deztro! u

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