love movies often turn man into human

anna balint epistolaris at
Fri Mar 28 21:38:01 CET 2003

3/28/2003 6:47:43 AM, integer at wrote:

>u ekzpekt m! 2 dounload realpla!er
it is not my mission to teach you...
but, to be honest, i think that you will 
not just abandon QuickTime orthodoxy
to find out what love is and what Real Man 
are like, but you would do much more for it.

>>> - Herta Mueller (German, originally from Romania) must be known for many
>>people, she left
>>> Romania in 1987 but she writes basically about the Ceausecu period
>nn ur!tez ma!nl! about dzat auss!  

exept that Herta is a nice woman,
and a good writer. Luckily I survived those times,
and i forgot it without having to write about it.
my friends also write only what is strictly necessary.

I miss those quiet times with jodi... with their just 
a few mails every now and than.  

...and you will abandon the theater of proof,
which i don't beleive anyway. i don't beleive that
Ialomita exists either. i am not naive!
I rarely saw anybody who wanted to be Romanian, 
but of course i will not stop you pretending that.
why should i? this is for Romanians:

[i don't know why it appears the
address twice, it is maybe time to go to the
'how to build a web page lesson for starters'.]

best wishes,

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