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integer at integer at
Wed Mar 26 07:41:47 CET 2003

>Still walking. Another thought. This one from Barbara Deming: "Gandhi once declared that it was his wife who unwittingly taught him the effectiveness of nonviolence. Who better than women should know that battles can be won without resorting to physical strength."
>And that reminds me of a story about a grandmother and her grandson. The young boy was on vacation, but he was still given chores to do.
>"I've got to go to the store. I asked you to cut the grass yesterday and it's still not done. Please cut the grass before I get back," the grandmother said.
>"OK," said the grandson.
>Off to the store grandmother went. But instead of cutting the grass, the grandson decided to play wiffle ball with his buddies. Time flies when you're having fun and before the grandson knew it, two hours had passed and not a single blade of grass had been cut.
>Grandmother's car pulled into the yard. The grandson felt his heart sink. Suddenly, his grandmother's big strong hands flashed across his mind.
>"Tell your friends to go home and meet me in my bedroom," the grandmother said.
>Head down, the grandson walked slowly toward the bedroom, where the belt was hanging on grandmother's door.
>Grandmother entered the bedroom. "On your knees," she said. The grandson clenched his eyes shut, waiting for belt contact - nothing. He opened one eye to see what was going on.
>His grandmother wasn't holding the belt. She was on her knees, too. Her eyes were closed and her hands clasped together in prayer.
>And with tears streaming down her face, she cried out to God, "Lord, make a man out of him."
>It hurt the grandson more than the belt. He collapsed into his grandmother's arms and the two wept together.
>We're in a bad way, right now, ladies. We need you. You are the salvation of this world. 

... 2x - z!mpl!.torturouz

>"Lord, make a man out of him."

brrr - perm!t zom 1 2 vom!t

>It's that, or we men are going to have to start becoming more like women. It's Women's History Month.

nn - beg!n!ng 2 feel dzere = 0+0 ezkape .... ma!z = ozt.europa bo!z nvr zurendr

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