\\ klap klap !n engl!sh

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Mar 26 06:44:22 CET 2003

>A spokeswoman for McDonald's in Europe said there had been no discernible impact on sales from the actions, 

just brand -> [t!me] -> just fat 


unt!l ur fat greaz! bod!ez = metamorfoszd !n2 1x global jo!

>described the attack on the Paris restaurant as "an unfortunate incident during a protest." 

McDonald's food - an unfortunate incident during a life

eat it twice + you own the puzzle entitled juzt u


>"As a global entity, McDonald's is just a brand," she said. "Most of the restaurants are local franchises and support their local community. 
>So why do they attack McDonald's? If you get a good answer please let me know." 

spokes people for McDonald's = simply McDonald's

                                      [fat                  = needy    = simply.obtuse

>So why do they attack McDonald's?

as josephine bosma indicated - attacking McDonald's = SEX

so attack McDonald's - FOR THE JOY OF IT !!!!

>If you get a good answer please let me know." 

shl ! eat u +?


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