claudia westermann media at ezaic.de
Sat Mar 22 13:28:57 CET 2003

>>As artists, WE can act in a time of great consequence.
>  >WE have a duty

WE follow the focus of the mass media. WE always act too late.


what about Putin for example ? isn't he a clever player ?

did he just buy a passport to violations against human rights in his 
country for the next years ?

France and Germany at least are so happy with Putin
that violations against human rights in Russia will not be reported 
in the mass media here (not only at the moment but for several years, 
I suspect).

And those countries, which are busy with reestablishing the belief in 
do not think any reports on Russia very useful at the moment as well, 
for different reasons.



(am not saying that one should stop to protest against the war in Iraq)

claudia - extremely suspicious

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