\\ nexus

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Mar 16 03:53:21 CET 2003

redukt!v sc!enza \\

  dzere 1nz uaz a nameless nobody - anonymous + demonstrably healthy

  [1001 h!perl!nkz. d!sz aproach = hol!zt!k]

  unfortunately nameless nobody became a not so demonstrably nameless nobody ...
  + then select western corporations + organizations went to work + work on nameless nobody

  + heavy arbeit they did mutating nameless nobody into an isolated. lonely. \+ demonstrably unhealthy some body

\\ by 2010 the leading cause of medical disability on earth will be clinical m9ndfukc


d!sz = uear dze great truth = takez 01 v!raj !n2 01 beaut!fl + serene pe!zaj „ looking glass
dze a!r = fresh out h!er + green !z dze grasz ... ekzlnt 4 kount!ng dze nr ov lever prezez


Netochka Nezvanova     - - drez!ng \4\4\4 1x hol!zt!k ball
                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <   
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t      
                                                       |       >

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