\\ ztresz

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Mar 12 20:55:39 CET 2003

fatih simulating various types of men.t+\-L stability

>I hate mailing lists. 

 ! hate men

>I belong to two, 

 +\- zm!lz 

>there are bullying or piss fights in both. 

arnt bo!z juzzzt lvvvvvvvl!         4rom dze balkon!


>I think              I am going to unsubscribe from both. 

 [! beg ov u]            ur lozenge = melt!ng all ovr ur pebbld pantalon!

>I am all 

 I = 0+0+0 ... + u [juzt

>for argueing, 
>but insulting, negativity etc...? 

sol!d mer!d!anz dze! r ! tell 2 u

>I am fed up with spineless people 

!n an astound!ngl! m!zter!ouz kond!z!e - az far az dze e!e kan z


>probably are too afraid to do anything courageous in their non-digital life 
>posting attacks during their little 15 minutes of fame. Yes, take the 
>inherent power of the networks and turn it into a hit and run anonymous 

>          lozers.



lozengez + pray.lines

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