The New U.S.: it makes me cry

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Wed Mar 12 19:02:52 CET 2003

The New U.S. is a country that holds two children hostage to make 
their father talk.

The New U.S. tortures its prisoners, keeping them standing 
hanging from the ceiling for hours, and already incurring the wrath 
of Amnesty International.

The New U.S. has a Congress that devotes its time to change 
names of food in its caffeteria: French fries to freedom fries.

The New U.S. already lost nearly 1/5 of the value of its currency, 
the highest loss ever due to miscalculated presidential politics.

In the New U.S. peace activists from Ireland get deported and 
citizens get arrested for wearing 'Give Peace a Chance' T-shirts.

In the New U.S. senior diplomats quit their posts out of shame and 
embarassment and write long letters to the Secretary of State.

The New U.S. spies on the diplomatic personnel of other countries: 
it wiretaps other members of UN Security Council.

The New U.S. tells Turkey it will be able to take Kurdistan, to get 
their support, while telling Kurds they will have their independence, 
to get their support.

The New U.S. faces tripple veto in UN Security Council, threatening 
to make itself, not the UN, irrelevant in the world diplomacy.

The New U.S. has both the Pope and Hollywood agaisnt itself.

The New U.S. has a VIP still on payroll of oil drilling equipment 
manufacturer, just as it prepares for war and destruction of that 
equipment overseas.

The New U.S. is joined by Rwanda and Sierra Leone in their 
opposition to International Criminal Court.

>From the New U.S. people flee in droves seeking refuge in Canada, 
while the Old U.S. was considered safe haven for oppressed 
around the globe.

The New U.S. has a military that entered the demilitarized zone 
between Kuwait and Iraq in material breach of U.N. resolutions.

The New U.S. can't even get their space crew safe to the ground in 
a damaged spacecraft, something that the Old U.S. did expertly 
well decades ago with Apollo 13.

What the New U.S. does not have any more, is the highest office 
building in the world: it is in (Muslim) Malasia.

But it is a sad picture of the administration that uses one 
unspeakable tragedy to justify a series of unjust, destructive, 
spiteful, irrational, self-serving acts, that makes the New U.S. a 
hated empire, instead of commiting itself to the core values of this 
society, hard work and free spirit, that everyone around the world 
simply cherishes and looks up to.


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