No subject

integer at integer at
Tue Mar 4 01:42:23 CET 2003

"furtherfield" <info at>

>Dear Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations,
>I am a citizen of the United kingdom. This email is a letter of support for
>you and your Nation, wishing you genuine respect and honour as one human to
>another. The world knows what pressure that you are under as American
>Administration tries to manipulate your situation via its obsessive bullying
>and corrupt tactics. We both know that more civilians will die for the sake
>of killing the few. We both know that people from all over the World do not

1st step !n2 manhood - dr!nk !n dze name ov dze people

>for their 'Brothers and Sisters' to die in vain

m not ur brodzr
m not ur z!ztr
udnt ualk u!th u !f u uear a dog

>, whatever religion,
>race or gender. It is not in our name. How many more lives must be wasted,
>blown apart for something as empty as greed and immature empire building?

! zuposz uen u utr zuch ueztern del!kaz!ez u feel tazt!

>Yours respectfully

       m a n h o o d     [dze ekzper!ensz alone ___... u + u

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