[syndicate] http://meta.am/ - tive

Fr. M. fmadre at free.fr
Sun Mar 9 20:20:13 CET 2003

At 10:16 09/03/2003 -0800, m e t a wrote:
>  http://meta.am/graphic/tive/

well, I was watching this superb set and forgot that I was preparing dinner
pork filet mignon, for which I had olive oil warming in a pot
stunning set, and beautiful and I wrote to meta as one of them was bringing 
tears to my ...
then I remembered the food and went to the kitchen where
the pot was in flames
and I thought long and hard about a sensible way to extinguish it
while chewing on my havana cigarillo
after thinking that blowing on the flames was surely not a good idea
I simply pulled the pot away from the burner, the flames stopped after a 
while, and opened the kitchen window, went back to this computer and sent 
the url in a mail to my lady who is working hard
on the other end of the apt, also told her that the house nearly got burned

the pot is ruined but I found another recipe for the pork now in the oven
our place smells of burnt metal and paprika leeks


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