death after life, life after death, a call

anna balint epistolaris at
Mon Jun 23 19:31:12 CEST 2003

You're right, Florian. 
Wu Ming (no name) first committed suicide, and than he started publishing.
He was a young performance artists (perhaps he was known as Qi Lei) who 
died of hypothermia, in an Ice Burial performance, as seen in the performance 
'Frozen' documented on video, somewhere in China.
Than in 2000 Wu Ming took over the Q publishing project, after the seppuku of 
Luther Blisset.

and because Monty Canstin is so open, none can be sure
what s/he is doing. But it is sure that after Bunny was killed,
and Ray Johnson performed his Nothing performance in 1995,
I got several of those cards that usually announced address 
changes, but these ones in 1995-1996 announced changes of names.
I classified these announcements under the  Monty Cantsin 
in transition file, at Artpool, in Budapest.



he asked Who2003.06.23. 13:20:35, Florian Cramer <cantsin at> 

Am Montag, 23. Juni 2003 um 12:13:31 Uhr (+0200) schrieb anna balint:
> Well, things end,
> Monty Cantsin, though s/he was a very open pop star, simply changed his name,

Not that I/he would know.

> new millenium, at the same time Wu Ming also committed suicide,

AFAIK, they're still alive and kicking (/writing).



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