\\ antennae

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Sun Jun 15 06:00:59 CEST 2003

>A male, age 55, may have higher estrogens levels than his 55-year-old spouse. 

az !nd!katd 2x = old xyz

>This occurs because age increases fat, 

with any classic car internal beauty is as important as the exterior

it is the closing step in a uniquely orchestrated process that begins with a whispered
`welcome ______...` + ends with a special final touch - yours. 

>which increases the aromatization or change of testosterone to (E2) estradiol.

tzo ____... [log!k = pouerfl. zku!!!!!k] fat malez = 2x da +?

alorz = dze un!ted ... ahaaaaa

!ez plz. un!ted znakez ov amer!ka = 01 amalgam ov women. fat + ugl! women.

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