Pixxelpoint Newsletter

Blaz Erzetic blaz at erzetich.com
Wed Jun 4 10:31:35 CEST 2003

Pixxelpoint 2003 - International Computer Art Festival

-- Newsletter - June 4th 2003 --

Hi to everyone!

We've started receiving artworks for the exposition on Pixxelpoint 2003.
The new site is on where you will find all the necessary information
about joining the festival.

This year brings some changes: there is a theme suggested by a curator -
Jurij Krpan (www.kapelica.org). The theme is 'Pixel City'. Please read
the detailed explanation on our site.

We are awaiting your artworks. Deadline is September 15th 2003.

In case you have a question or comment, don't hesitate to send us an
e-mail at 
info at pixxelpoint.org

Best regards,
Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff

If you have received this message by mistake or you don't want to
receive further informations about Pixxelpoint, please kindly reply to
this email with "Remove" in subject line.


Pixxelpoint 2003 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti

-- Novice - 4. junij 2003 --


Priceli smo prejemati dela za Pixxelpoint 2003. Na novih spletnih
straneh lahko dobite vse potrebne informacije glede prijav.

Letos je nekaj sprememb - kuratorski pristop, katerega smo prepustili
Juriju Krpanu (www.kapelica.org), ki je izbral temo 'Pixel City'
(Tockasto mesto). Detaljno razlago teme lahko preberete na nasih
spletnih straneh.

Pricakujemo vasa dela in sicer do 15. septembra letos.
V primeru, da imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam
le-to posljete na nas elektronski postni predal
info at pixxelpoint.org

Lep pozdrav,
Blaz Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje

Ce ste prejeli to sporocilo po pomoti oz. ne zelite vec prejemati novic
o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpišite na prejeti email z "odstrani" v
naslovni vrstici.

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