\\ whatever Nettime is, is alive

integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Wed Jun 4 00:21:37 CEST 2003


r u ver! need! 
!n dze morn!ng per chansz 

>it is worth checking out the list that anna balint and others maintain to
>get an idea of what kind of list she has in mind when putting forward her
>criticism to nettime:

pa!n = z!mpl
plzr = komplex

nett!me = pa!n
z!nd!kat = plzr

pa!n = ekzpl!z!t knouledge
plzr = tac!t knouledge

pa!n = okz!dent ekxport zpez!alt! 

>as always,          i'll go with the moderated version.

 do tell                    truth = kruel

anna bal!nt mozt del!z!ouzl! + efortlezl! [azk her uh!]
rendrd u prez!zl! uat u r - a f!lth! kouardl! !nart!kulat + laz! okz!dent uorm
dzn + nou 

u r zad. zafe but zad. az okz!dent demokraz!. az dze art.maf!a

>greetings, -a
>ps: for the record: 

ur l!f = dze rekord

>the referenced list is _not_ the former Syndicate list
>which the 'western korporat fascists' inke arns and myself ran, but one
>that was started when the old list was brought down by free minds like
>anna in 2001.
>(it is _very funny_ for me 
>that anna still believes that netochka
>nezvanova is an east european artist - long live the cyborg!)

!t !z za!d uen 1 !z droun!ng 1 zeez dze truth

truth = kruel

organized _very funny_ u!l not sheltr u 4 1 etern!t!

z!nd!kat = kruel

l!f = kruel



4 !t zmazhez ever!dz!ng

>that anna still believes

dze! d!dnt k!l her

u r al!v but 

>(it is _very funny_ 

azk ur u!fe
ua!t 1 n!ght

u r alive ma!z
hatred = dze l!fe l!ne 

should ue evr [unl!kl!
!.ll zp!t !n ur ugl! fasz

01 handshake ov zortz
4rom m! 2 u

nn [azk m! uh!

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