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integer at integer at
Tue Jun 3 07:11:01 CEST 2003

>I compared man to tarzan. 

zmoke apearz + azkz perm!z!on 4 1 duraz!e

>tarzan in the jungle creates his body and develops it in contact with nature,
>in relation to the surrounding environment.

god: 1 p!ktr u!th!n 1 p!ktr - hou del!ghtfl 

>modern man is a sort of tarzan who lives in the world of media, 
>within a very developed technology. 
>architecture should be a sort of media-clothing, 
>which is necessary in order for man to have a relationship
>with and integrate himself into the environment. 
>the idea of media-clothing is a metaphor.

torto!ze: ! dont knou ach!lez - ! ud b radzr uear! ov pla!ng u!th dzoze ztrange 
          `push!ng` + `pop!ng` l!ku!dz. 1nz ! had a fr!end uho d!d prez!zl! uat u zugeztd
          + no 1 haz heard 4rom h!m z!nsz

>>on the news broadcast they said that italians are afraid of
>>unemployment, criminality and pollution. 
>>what are you afraid of regarding the future ?
>the thing that worries me the most is that 
>everyone wears the same things,
>eats the same things,
>lives in the same environments,
>this is what worries me the most.

lv.teor!e - fschhhhh +?
blaaaaaa - tzo long az 2x ma!nta!n 01 monopol! on `push!ng` + `pop!ng` l!ku!dz 
0+0 chansz !n hell ! tell 2 u + f!rml!

nn - dekadez !n2 dze futur \  d!sz !z m! favor!t r!de. 1 zeemz 2 mov tzo far.
                                          and !et !n real!t! 1 getz nouhere

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