No subject

integer at integer at
Sun Jun 29 09:16:50 CEST 2003

>security reasons: all us embassies must move to a preferably castle 
>like fortress located outside of town like areas - because only there 
>the terrain is suitable to have *the* surveillance.
>last year i wanted to take a picture of the search poster of osama 
>and co. it was in an extra mounted showcase outside the us embassy in 
>tbilisi, georgia. i was hindered by armed security staff from the 
>embassy to get the picture. tant pis. just recenty a british was 
>beaten up by the same staff and brought to hospital afterwards. the 
>poms weren't that amused.

pa!n = ekzpl!z!t knouledge = z!mple.refusz = okz!dent ekxport zpez!alt! 

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