[syndicate] Re: Answering your message

Fr. M. fmadre at free.fr
Wed Jun 11 23:32:04 CEST 2003

At 20:12 11/06/2003 +0200, hoord'hur wrote:
>c'est madre qui essaie de ratttraper le coup de

I take this opportunity to say that
as co-admin of this list (as well as long time subscriber)
I stand with every move that has been taken because those
move have been discussed and agreed as the best way we could come up with
to deal with the situation as it was and we will keep on looking
for, let's say, creative and new ways to preserve what
we all like, this mailing list. I also believe that even
if we sometimes fail, at least we try to go beyond the
search and destroy mood that some would like to bring us
to but have failed, are failing and will fail.

 > except error you are from moderator staff, pliz ask &

this list never was, is not and never will be moderated.

you are in error.

it's not merely the words we use that are important, it's what reality is 
beyond them.

there's a curfew goin' on.

>  mais il est encore plus con qu'elle et j'ai
>tellement honte que je vais donner la main à Zarayan,
>avec ses chaussettes il a ses chances

hello to david, then, I like him,

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