Troubled Middleearth

Ivo Skoric ivo at
Wed Jul 23 20:38:24 CEST 2003

As Wolfowitz was quick to point out: media should report on US 
successes in Iraq. Well, here at least there is one. Killing two 
Saddam's sons, they did what they were trained for. US army is 
the best agent for global mayhem and destruction. They really 
excel at killing. Congratulations. Whether this is going to hamper 
guerilla war against them, it remains to be seen. On the other hand 
- the day to day life in Iraq sucks - but that should be the UN job. 
US is not good at those boring re-building jobs. Its leading 
politicians think dyslexia and A.D.D. are marks of nobility. Forget 
Iraq - it sure looks more amusing how Republicans are re-
conquering California. First, their cronies at Enron destroyed the 
State financially by forcing them to buy over-priced energy, then 
they focused the blame on its Democratic leadership, which, 
weakened by annual deficit that equals twice the annual GDP of a 
smaller European country, couldn't do much to save itself. Second, 
there is the beauty of direct democracy enforced in California: the 
governor can be recalled by referendum. For that, there is a little 
known Republican representative, Darrel Issa, succesfully forcing 
the referendum. In the end, however, Republicans would probably, 
and most appropriately, chose the Terminator for the job 
(terminating Democratic rule over the state with most electoral 
votes before the 2004 elections). Issa is an awesome discovery: a 
high-school dropout at 17, who managed to make $100 millions 
and become a Congressman; a son of Lebanese immigrants, who 
votes pro-Israel; a former car thief, who eventually made his 
millions selling car alarms featuring his voice. What I never 
understood is why the most resourceful immigrant children in this 
country become staunch Republicans?

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