What's next?

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Fri Jul 18 21:55:46 CEST 2003

W.'s administration will have catastrophic consequences for the 
Union - to finance the expensive adventures abroad, federal 
government impoverished the States pushing all the social services 
costs on them (only 2 will end up this fiscal year with positive 
balance, and California, the 6th world's economy, is de facto 
bankrupt). By the year 2042 the US will be able to pay only 73% of 
soc sec benefits. The cost of Iraq occupation is $48B a year - 
DOUBLE the pre-war annual GDP of that country! How can that 
make sense? Bush is pillaging the States to pay fat-cats that put 
him in office, who profit from over-priced contracts, and all that is 
packaged and sold to perpetually frightened populace in form of 
'security measures' and 'war on terrorrism' - this is literally lifted 
from Milosevic's rulebook. 3/4 of the military is tied up in Iraq, 
Afghanistan, Kosovo, and with an obligation in Liberia. Bemusingly, 
the US cannot take on North Korea with the available forces, 
particularly if China helps N.K. defend itself, and N.K. openly and 
brazenly flauts around that they have the bomb. ANd in Iraq, things 
are moving nowhere pretty quickly: Saddam's forces are obviously 
waging an underground guerilla warfare against the US, killing and 
destroying something somewhere daily (like Tito's partisans did to 
Germans in the 1942...). US is going more in debt. China is 
making money of it. So, in the real clash between the two main 
rival economies of 21st century, who do you think is going to win? 
Bush is such a disaster, that I refuse to believe that he has any 
chances to win the next elections, unless he declares a martial law 
and cancels elections alltogether.

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