
anna balint abalint at merz.hu
Sun Jan 26 20:26:53 CET 2003

26/02/2003 19:08:52, integer at www.god-emil.dk wrote:

>>Perhaps because i have seen already
>>so many (brighter) sun,
>          dez!!!gur
>>and my teacher showed me nn in Egypt
>>when i was nineteen,
>fotograf!e zvp
my photo is MY photo 

>>it's true:
>!f 1 bel!evz 

1 has to believe
>>i like you a little bit generally
>a little bit of a not so general zm!le
>>but i don't love you at all particularily.
>pout!ng g!rlz = !n ultra vogue [!n part!kular .ro 1nz
than love them, and let me in peace.
>>when about your hand:
>>at one hand you offer something that
>>you are not willing to give it,
>!f dzat !z uat ur ce!l!ng u!zprz
>dzn !t muzt b true

you cannot make my cells telling me what
you want. me is me and you is you.
my cells know very well that egyptian style
is a little bit more serious,
in which i am not allowed to know eeverything,
and where you can be stronger than me
[a little bit + maybe]
and i know perfectly well that what is said
in egyptian style can easily become true.
and i don't do anything in egyptian style
with anonymous people - what if you rape me 
or you are my enemy + you want to make me a baby.
or you want to hack my brain whereas i don't want...
and other dangers, that i don't even mention.

>>at the other hand, i don't need it, 
>phpz ! need !t ... 


>>thank you.
>cu placere
>>give it to someone else, please.
>!.ll g!v !t 2 she uho real! uantz !t 
>g!rlz knou d!sz dont dze! ... aftr all ...

it's terrible, that even when you say
that you give your hand to else,
you still try to manipulate me!
why would i accept this control?
no + no. 
dream on about my lips, if you want...
that's for anyone to admire.
i won't kiss you.
anna balint

>>anna balint
>mindro. mindrulita mea
>eu atuncea m-oi scula
>cind tu mie mi-i aduce
>apa rece din dunare
>sloi de ghiata din tarmure
>cirese din doi altoi
>mindra din grai ii graia:
>apa rece s-o-ncalzit
>ciresele s-o trecut
>insa el din grai graia:
>mindro, mindrulita mea
>mare esti. putin pricepi
>sloi de ghiata-s buzele
>ciresu din doi altoi
>mindra-s ochisorii tai

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