[syndicate] Re: Re: The copying of rhizome's artbase || was Re: Re: Re: Re: Rhizome BOYCOT

Frederic Madre fmadre at wanadoo.fr
Thu Jan 16 13:31:27 CET 2003

>Rhizome's artbase is different. There are hardly any 
>copies of existing
>works. Nearly everything is just links to existing 
>works. Considering this

well, actually the artbase claimed to be not just an elaborate links page but also an archive
there are (was ?) a number of pieces that were "cloned" (that was the word they used) and others "linked"
when your piece was cloned it meant that rhizome were supposed to preserve it in a way that they admitted they had no clue what it was

> it's not really interesting to make a copy of 
> artbase (so a copy of a link
> collection) and claim it as an artwork that is about 
> copyrights.

mmm, I agree it's not interesting but our friends were not claiming it to be about copyrights
they meant it as an anti-paying-rhizome gesture
I think...

like we could collectively amass 5$, call it the rhizome five bucks found, and subscribe a generic email adress to rhizome and have that adress reforward everything to a free list of subscribers

that would me we would have some interest in what happens at rhizome
this is not my case


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