term.i.nation net.wurk[er] [final end]

mez netwurker at pop.hotkey.net.au
Fri Jan 3 00:22:47 CET 2003

/M strength & f.lesh[ion]ed
/trans *.itive + w[k]eep.ing
/string lac[x].tos[s]ing + poi.son.ed

/pet (com) .itive
/pe[a]t (hevy)  (primo leviesque)
[a (s)p(r)ock.et full of sX.pense]

||tilting border(lined)s + wilting g(r)amma.t[id]olatry||
||[st]itching limb[ic system]s in c[d]o(g)ursing pro.grammes
||p.lum[i.nous]met + kah.quay n.gorged

*** Con.nec[ks + throats of blood-gold]ting[les] 2 (666)
*** Un[lye]able 2 re.sa[l]ve (g)lo(b).c.al host
*** Can.cell[s + market .genes](is.)ed connect

                 <<end msg:: i drink yr gall + spi(l)t(s)tream>>
                 <<quit msg:: vexing hearts with capit(du)al(istic dusting)>>

. . .... .....

.i.dream.the.n e X ][t][ us.

.... . .??? .......

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