
integer at www.god-emil.dk integer at www.god-emil.dk
Tue Feb 18 09:06:53 CET 2003

Michael Theodore <michael.theodore at colorado.edu>

>>he could be bothered to share his personal views and work\playfulness and even
>>videos of his child!
>Aw shucks. Since you asked so nicely, I rolled out this little montage of
>obsessive symbolic exploration, shot when he recently turned 2 1/2:
>So sorry about my annoying laughter - he was just really surprising me with
>some of the stuff that he'd recently discovered (the powers of 2).
>Please feel free to use for your video experiments, honestly.
>Fatih, who sometimes posts to this list, shot a whole bunch of super 8 of
>him, and turned it into an award winning video which is now playing in big
>film festivals in Turkey. 

une douleur enorme comme la joie

>Amazing how fast they grow. I can't believe
>another one is coming in May.

urz !ez +?

nn kastratd m! aftr dze 1zt 1

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