hit on the weak

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Sun Feb 23 19:44:24 CET 2003

Korea already has nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. That’s 
why it is not going to be bombed. Because it can fight back. Iraq, 
however, is just on the brink of building its first nuke. Therefore, it has to 
be bombed promptly, while there is still time for it.

What kind of morally absurd logic is that? And that is the logic of the 
U.S. leadership! Bomb at any cost for the sake of bombing! Why would 
the U.S. have the right to decide which countries would be allowed to 
posses weapons of mass destruction and which would not?

In respect to fair-play, it should be either all or none. In respect to sanity, 
it would be better for all of us that no country possesses weapons of 
mass destruction. So, yes, Iraq should not have them. Korea should not 
have them. Israel should not have them. France should not have them. 
Russia should not have them. The U.S. should not have them. Iraq is 
currently subjected to a tough UN inspection regime that oversees the 
destruction of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. When are the other 
listed countries going to do the same?

Powell, that master of ‘appreciative inquiry’, went to Japan and China to 
tell them how great they are, and to assure them that his boss will be 
plenty busy with convincing his European allies to support his war 
against Iraq, so they can all relax, because the U.S. has no time nor 
inclination to go to war against fellow nuclear powers.

The U.S. is a nation of pacifists that is nearly constantly involved in 
some war. This perpetual conundrum is at the roots of the American pain 
about Iraq. How can people so averse to risk, and so obsessed about 
safety, support the largest and most adventurous military force in the 
history of mankind?

The lesson they still did not learn is that no amount of security can stop 
a determined, desperate enemy. The only way to stop such an enemy is 
to remove the sources of his despair. Violence will just be answered by 
more violence. And no amount of violent response, regardless of the 
scale of the ‘shock and awe’ attack, will stop that vicious circle.


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