No subject

integer at integer at
Mon Feb 17 07:46:07 CET 2003

>"Ricardo MadGello" <madgello at>
>>Where can I find samples 
>>of your video work using NATO and what all?
>ricardo - were i girl ____...
>would you be interested in samples of your video work using NATO and what all
>more than my ... you choose some 2x .bio komponents
>explain your choice
>likewise - 2 girls are in love with you. 
>you like one's mind more than the other's
>but you like the other's body more. what would you do +?
>feel free to komplikate the situation as desired: eg. mind \ body dichotomy. aging etc.

another scenario - one delicious summer evening your lips thirsting for sky blue mists
you drove your ducati into the 01 lake accompanied by verdi's bolero [which he incidentally despises.

the water's charming codes enveloped your as of yet infallible body and 
through the window you saw a pretty reflection: ophelia.

you extended your tele.graphic antennae and slept the very dulce sleep of children
this time accompanied by sibelius' valse triste.

the season's latest novelty !!!

the season's latest novelty !!!

the season's latest novelty !!!

then eastern lands began to shake and memory rays splashed painfully.
your body began to emerge from its quassi-immobility
and the extent of your mouth lifed fragrant wishes [for very good reasons].
but wait ... you remembered the sinister mark on the inside of your arm 

"the more she has of your body the less you have of your mind"

how would you jump through this extraordinary little hoop

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