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integer at integer at
Tue Dec 30 19:30:40 CET 2003

>The GameBoy console is an 8-bit handheld computer. Its unusually weak
>(archaic) technical parameters were a challenge and became the reason for
>creating the "gameboyzz orchestra". Our idea is the creation of a new sound
>space on the grounds of sounds generated live with the GameBoy Color console.

"nu ne-a lasat sa ne distram, ma!"

>All the best,


>Otpor is very similar to MoveOn - they are a Serbian version of an US-
>like PAC that supports democratic-leaning political candidates - only 
>in the US the support of people for Democrats is bigger, because 
>Serbia is simply more freakin fascist society still after two decades 
>of war, sanctions, and paranoia. 

up your neo idiotik meaningless occident bagatela + the democrassy you stand 4

>This is their program - too bad it 
>is only in Serbian AND in cyrillic...

the best

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