No subject

integer at integer at
Tue Dec 30 18:19:02 CET 2003

"Ivo Skoric" <ivo at>

>I forgive you because you have no idea what are you talking about.

Idea - where you are you are less than your father.


They forgive you for thinking you were better than them.

I do not. You may/may not have an idea why.

>On 30 Dec 2003 at 17:19, integer at wrote:
>"Ivo Skoric" <ivo at> - what could be worse
>>What could be worse than people in reaction to a bad situation 
>>electing the worst leaders?
>korporat fascist imbeciles who have relocated their body to the 
>korporat snakes republik diktating what people who have stayed where
>they belong should do

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