naturally my secrets spread world-wide

Alan Sondheim sondheim at
Mon Dec 29 00:35:52 CET 2003

   naturally my secrets spread world-wide

   ls .* > zz
   .#zz .addressbook .auto .bio .bio.old .delgroups
   .editor .emacs .exrc .forward .hlevel .ircrc .ispell_english .julu
   .juluold .learnrc .lynx_cookies .lynxrc .machinemessage .mailer
   .mailme .memo .message .message.old .motd-social_time .motd_time
   .msgsrc .muttrc .ncrecent .newnewsrc17612 .newnewsrc601 .newsrc
   .newsrc.bak .newsrc.eep .newsrc.old .newsreader .oldnewsrc .one
   .phoenix.away .pine-debug1 .pinerc .pinerc~ .plan .printmenu
   .procmailrc .profile .project .pshenv .pshrc .pshrc.old
   .rhosts .rmm .rnlast .rnsoft .s .sig .spam .termtype .tfrc .trace .two
   .xtod .ytalkrc .BitchX: screens .elm: .emacs.d: auto-save-list
   .mailspool: sondheim .ncftp: bookmarks firewall history init_v3 log
   prefs prefs_v3 trace trace.24264 traces.old .nn: LAST LOCK NEXTG
   select select.bak .procmail: log rc.folders .ssh: known_hosts
   known_hosts2 random_seed .tin: attributes filter headers newsrctable
   posted tinrc .trn: " ls .* >
   zz" Wrong boolean value 'false' false 65500 0.185922 13k ...
   name contains `.. tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
   boldi boldi:/tmp/b$ls -la /tmp/zz/b ls:
   /tmp/zz/b: No such file or directory #note - this is OK
   Craig DeFalco Craig DeFalco. Buzzy James Buzzy James. Craig
   DeFalco Craig DeFalco. Craig DeFalco Craig DeFalco. Craig DeFalco
   8k Band Band. Buzzy James  Darrell Millar Buzzy James
   Darrell Millar. Darrell Millar Darrell Millar. Darrell Millar
   Darrell Millar. true
   contains `.. tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
   boldi at boldi:/tmp/b$ls -la /tmp/zz/b ls:
   /tmp/zz/b: No such file or directory #note - this is OK
   6k CVS log for witme/libferris/tests/ls/zz. ViewCVS and
   CVS Help. (back) Up to [cvs] / witme / libferris / tests /
   ls / zz Request diff between arbitrary revisions
   for zz fixnum from (- ,len 1) downto 0 with idx
   fixnum = ,ix do (setf (values idx (aref ,ii zz)) (floor idx
   (aref ,ls zz)))) ,body)))) ; optimize true
   rev=1.5 11k for zz fixnum from (- ,len 1) downto 0
   with idx fixnum = ,ix do (setf (values idx (aref ,ii zz))
   (floor idx (aref ,ls zz)))) ,body)))) ; optimize
   rev=1.2 8k cc) into (aa bb cc). (let ((ll (last
   ls))) (when (cdr ll) (setf (cdr ll) (cons (cdr ll) nil))))
   ls) (defsubst to-list (zz) If ZZ is a list,
   return ZZ true
   rev=1.2 3k LS-8-ZZ. Dimensions (inch), d,
   3/4, Two Shields ZZ. D, 1 7/8. B, 9/16. Approx. Wgt. lbs,
   .280. Interchange, FBC, LS-8 PP. FED, LS-8-FF. RHP, LJ-
   3/4 -2Z. SKF (Eur.), RLS-6-2Z. true
   5)=Cancel choice=wmenu(tmpmenu) if (choice eq 5) then return
   if (choice eq 0) then begin GS_FOVplot,ls,ss,1 GS_Disp,ss
    Starno=0 return endif zz=0 if true
   OAM 10 1 false ls .* > zz


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