Fw: Chomsky on Saddam capture - Dictators R Us

Fátima Lasay digiteer at ispbonanza.com.ph
Fri Dec 26 14:39:20 CET 2003

At 08:00 PM 12/25/03, you wrote:
>why get so angry?

"Kill every one over ten."

>It is a land of the free, isn\'t it?

"Civilisation begins at home."

>I think there should be more voices like his.

American intellectual culture, education, civilisation, heritage:

>And if they use all the oil for burning books,
>there will be more wars coming up...
>So, why bother?

It ought to be a Happy New Year.

Fátima Lasay http://digitalmedia.upd.edu.ph/digiteer/

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