cream * 14 * : the Joy of Closure

anna balint epistolaris at
Fri Dec 26 15:50:52 CET 2003

12/25/2003 7:37:00 PM, Frederic Madre <fmadre at> wrote:

>end, a door that is closed now. To get thru this door you have to say the Magic
>word, the Magickest and Wordiest of all words: Your Name. A subscription, an
>inscription of your name of choice is necessary. It stops there. Knock. Knock.
>Who's here? 

one of the reasons i like Fredeiric so much, 
is that he reminds me often that how much it is                    
impossible to state what art is, 
one can only decide what is art.

but Frederic, to close at the same time
when the US law sets from now on that one can use only his real
name in emails, hm, is that art too?

i also  ask an emergency subscription to,
my name is:
anna balint

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