[syndicate] . | " || 22-12-2003-13:56 |-| geel|red|bleu|verde|purpura|oranje || ich+schreibe || jmcs3

+ lo_y. + loy at myrealbox.com
Thu Dec 25 12:19:34 CET 2003

| .
   e, _l_
/ne_acc_  }_a_~_ che_u_tain, _
bu, ct, le }_
TO ~_h_ia2-#-12-#-_STEP  }_~l~_ch~_in, _~_
   i-IO~_ n, u_
   tig at ewayf_tep,
   pz W v.gu<81>Nep, u_
   t = arch,   tight &    i_, _
>-   C
>u ~_ant_
>-  }_
>tsre_nine, _l_ r.n  hd_p_bibar
>pe  =_
>~_~_e_~_ & s.a_lfne   {_~_
>17._rkir n~_~_ess,
>pi o~_}~r_
>   ~_l~_
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>legar  a at Cp.nje |   .a  n, a   {_, tlo_~_rpe_
>         =
>         =
>qu{_}_ohnd, _
>fa at n.an<<~_sla_{_~_sure_~_
>na   {_~~_
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>C  up.i#-1356 |-| gnl|b|g|v.eign
>rp, << se, ct, pt, _, _ak_~_
>rav & t_sgp, le, _~_l~_ clo.o~_}_
>pro/td.led e_etrr_pr/idi~_eaa_{_ }_a_~  =_
>precep~_~_fall/  n, abduct, i_~_thin, n, _
>lithom,  {_ excess-IO(nsui, sgi)}_ep~_re_d,   i_~_ge, _rsain,
>ac  up & ~_in, _l_~_
>- rgu < ppou  ~_~_ & _, o~_
>po_, y_~   !
>  C  up  ~_~_
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>gelb   {_h-IO(n, pread) TO~_ _l_
>   pr  ~_sla_{_dt_
>   leacking, e, _~
>C {_   ad_~_e_~_ess,
>CR***************** rleft = le, in_t_e_

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