exercise 1 copy edit

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Dec 17 20:18:55 CET 2003

exercise 1 copy edit

kill your children on desperation mountain  kill your parents on
desolation mountain  laugh at the trusting eyes of husbands and wives and
boyfriends and girlfriends  rip them apart  piss on the gardens  shit in
holy places  burn down the house  fling sulphurous acid everywhere  take
away the rights of the diseased  cripple the elderly  smash the elderly
kill the old  misplace kindness  forget anniversaries :blaspheme
falsehoods  desecrate churches  synagogues  mosques  burn forests  drain
watersheds  pollute freely  ignore the holy vows of marriage and service
to country  wound slowly and with malice  convert to misery  spread
disease  smash history  burn and pillage unto the last extinction  saw
limbs  gouge eyes  stomp faces  rip apart babies  puncture the pregnant
hammer the brains  cut the ears  scissor the cock  burn the books  poison
the oceans  hammer the air  ignite the weapons  fuck everyone  disparage
truth  scandalize sanctity  libel the innocent  jail the innocent  execute
at will :armageddon is near as the world rises in inconceivable violence
the annihilation of the kyoto protocol  rampant disease spreading
world-wide inclusive of every country and every continent  massive weapons
of destruction  i urge you  do not repent  experience every murderous
impulse  there is little time left  i beg you  do not give in to misplaced
kindness  the rights of humans or plants or animals  i abjure you  do not
construct impulses of the godly sort  they are useless  you are a waste of
time  you are absurd  total destruction is what remains to you  take what
you want  use it for your purposes  at a hurried rate  at a speedy work
it is all you have  your dominion is what you seize  nothing else remains
kill  rob  steal  rape  murder  annoy ::remember the sea and its drownings
remember the earth and its suffocation remember the air and its fallings
remember the fire and its scorchings

write remember the fire and its scorching through my kill your children on
desperation mountain  kill your parents on desolation mountain  laugh at
the trusting eyes of husbands and wives and boyfriends and girlfriends
rip them apart  piss on the gardens  shit in holy places  burn down the
house  fling sulphurous acid everywhere  take away the rights of the
diseased  cripple the elderly  smash the elderly  kill the old  misplace
kindness  forget anniversaries


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