kuda.lounge > december > Bureau d'Etudes / Armin Medosch
office at kuda.org
Mon Dec 15 18:16:17 CET 2003
Subject:kuda.lounge > december > Bureau d'Etudes / Armin Medosch
From: "kuda.org" <office at kuda.org>
To: "kuda.org" <office at kuda.org>
Subject:kuda.lounge > december > Bureau d'Etudes / Armin Medosch
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 17:36:26 +0100
kuda.lounge announcement
serie of lectures on contemporary social analysis
> Tuesday 18. 12, 20:00h, new media center_ kuda.org, Novi Sad
> Saturday 20. 12., 18:00h, Exhibition space of Museum of Contemporary Art,
Presentation of group Bureau d'Etudes [FR]
> Friday 19. 12, 20:00h, Art Club in Cultural Center of Novi Sad
Lecture of Armin Medosch [A/UK]: Piratology. The Deep Seas of Open Code
and Free Culture
> Saturday 20. 12, 20:00h, new media center_ kuda.org, Novi Sad
Lecture of Armin Medosch [A/UK]: Wireless Utopia, 100 years of Free
Wireless Socialist Dreams and Telecommunications Monopoly in kuda.org
> Tuesday 18. 12, 20:00h, kuda.org_ Presentation of group Bureau d'Etudes
With its work Bureau d'Etudes continues a tradition that was very popular
the 1970s and dedicated to map financial structures on a national level.
while this early attempts came to a standstill in the 1980s the French art
group picked up this trend and started to map new issues of world
governance. To this end Bonaccini and Fourt develop pictographic
installations that deal with themes such as networks of data-gathering
systems, bio war or global resistance movements. They visualize the
distribution of power in it’s various forms, political, cultural and
financial on a global basis and show the interrelations between the
different actors involved. Often Bureau d’Etudes develops its installations
in collaboration with the cultural theoretician and journalist Brian Homes.
Founded in 1998 the Paris based Bureau d'Etudes is an artist duo that
consists of Léonore Bonaccini and Xavier Fourt, both French media artists.
Bureau d'Etudes concentrates on mapping various issues of world governance
and also
Presentation is realised with support of French Cultural Center, Belgrade
> Friday 19. 12, 20:00h, Art Club in Cultural Centre of Novi Sad
Lecture of Armin Medosch [A/UK]: Piratology. The Deep Seas of Open Code and
Free Culture
... Piracy does not simply exist because there are bloody-minded people who
don't care for the rules and laws of the civilised world. It tends to
whenever there is a hegemonic power that asserts itself by establishing a
trade monopoly. A monopoly, by its very nature, cuts out competition by
other traders and destroys existing means of trade. People deprived of
traditional way of making a living resort to criminal activity. The
hegemonic power, itself not averse to using violence to force others into
submission, considers itself to be the law and defines others' activity as
piracy. This is, in short, the lesson we can learn from historic accounts
Lecture of Armin Medosch will be focused on analysis of consequences of
hegemonic power and emerging copyright infringements. Medosch will also
present on line exhibition 'Kingdom of Piracy', CR ROM and text collection
Kingdom of Piracy: http://residence.aec.at/kop/
> Saturday 20. 12, 20:00h, kuda.org, Novi Sad
Lecture of Armin Medosch [A/UK]: Wireless Utopia, 100 years of Free Energy,
Wireless Socialist Dreams and Telecommunications Monopoly
After Heinrich Hertz was able to proof the existence of radio waves and to
establish their
fundamental properties - amplitude, frequency and polarity - inventors like
Guglielmo Marconi
rushed to exploit the technology. His wireless telegraph earned him a
fortune based on a number
of patents and a near worldwide monopoly. Improvements of the technology
soon led to
experimens with wireless speech transmission. Fraudulent businessmen in the
US of A launched
stock market schemes based on wireless telephony empires that did not
At around the same time Nicola Tesla tried to transmit energy wirelessly.
Utopian hopes flourished, of free
energy and a wireless future that would make everybody free and equal.
Russian Futurists sang
in their poems about the waves that constantly surrounded the earth.
100 years later we see a similar variety of hopes and expectations attached
to wireless
technologies. The promise of mobile personal telephony had finally been
good with GSM.
Now, the introduction of 3G in some countries in Europe stimulates high-
flying dreams again, a
sector-specific resurgence of the new economy. Others believe that the real
revolution is
already underway and carried by the DIY technologists who build wireless
community networks. The peer-based network philosophy of meshed networks
turns every node into a personal
telecommunications switching station. With wireless the physical-material
layer of network
communication is set free. No central server architecture is needed
everybody shares
bandwidth with everybody in community networks bound by the PicoPeering
Agreement; we all become walking personal telcos.
Are these latest emanations of wireless euphoria just proof that after all
history repeats itself
or is there more behind it? With many 100 year anniversaries in the air the
high-times of modernism powerfully make themselves felt in the 21st
In the much more hypercomplex and interconnected world of today are there
ways to avoid the mistakes of the past and use the
utopian potential of wireless technologies in a more sustainable and human
friendly way? Utopianism leads to totalitarianism, but without a firm
believe that we can do better in the future than in the past all efforts
would be useless.
Wireless Utopia presents snippets and fragments of an ongoing research into
electromagnetic waves and technologies and ideas based on them. The final
goal is an exhibition with the working
title 'Waves' that bridges the 100 year gap between Marconi, Tesla,
Khlebnikov and current
artistic and social-activist practice like Acoustic Spacelab, Kunstlabor,
Raylab, Consume, Makrolab, to name just a few.
Armin Medosch is a writer, curator and artist. He co-founded the on line
magazine Telepolis in 1996 and co-edited it till summer 2002. With
he won the European Online Journalism Award 2000 for investigative
and the Grimme Online Award 2002 for media journalism. He curated the
exhibition "Shopping Windows" (2001) and organized the free networking
meeting BerLon (Oct. 2002). Current work includes the book and CD ROM DIVE
for Kingdom of Piracy and a forthcoming book on free networks.
Lectures are realised with support of Austrian Cultural Forum, Belgrade
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