Wes vs. Slobo

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Sun Dec 14 17:40:59 CET 2003


Tommorow, Milosevic's gets a chance to cross-examine general Clark, a 
man that bombed his country. Given that Milosevic often ranted how 
the only true war crimes committed in the wars for Yugoslav 
succession were those of NATO bombing Serbia in 1999, for which 
general Clark holds command responsibility, a session between 
Milosevic and Clark may be a very interesting one. At least, that 
should prove the fairness of The Hague tribunal to the recalcitrant 
opponents. I do not recollect Goering had been able to cross-examine 

Unfortunately, general Clark, one of Democratic presidential 
contenders, will give his testimony behind the close doors and 
flanked by two US government lawyers, making sure that most tasty 
details do not reach us mere mortals.

Ivo Skoric
19 Baxter Street
Rutland VT 05701
ivo at balkansnet.org

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