(Fwd) Amor Masovic visit to NYC!!!

Ivo Skoric ivo at reporters.net
Tue Dec 9 00:00:28 CET 2003

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(Bosnian-American Association), 26-40 18th Street,
Queens, NY 11102 on Tuesday, December 9, 2003, 7 p.m.

Amor Masovic is one of Bosnia's, and Europe's, most
important human rights activists. Since 1996, Masovic
has been the president of the State Commission for
Missing Persons of the Government of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. From 1995 to 2003, Masovic has
actively participated in the exhumations, autopsies
and identification of more than 15,000 victims of the
war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, exhumed from 290 mass

He is the co-chairman of the Executive Board of the
Memorial and Graveyard Foundation of
Srebrenica-Potocari, which is tasked with overseeing
the construction of the memorial in Potocari, built to
commemorate the largest massacre in Europesince World
War II which followed the fall of the Srebrenica
enclave. He is also on the board of the Missing
Persons Institute in Sarajevo.

>From 1998 to 2002 Masovic was a member of the House of

Representatives of the Parliament of
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Since 2002 he has been a member of
the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the
Federation of
Bosnia andHerzegovina.

In 2002, he received the Sakharov Freedom Award of the
Norwegian Helsinki Committee for his courageous and
outstanding work to promote human rights. In 1998, he
received the Golden Chart of Peace and Humanism,
awarded by the International Humanists League (IHL), 
founded in 1976 inPhiladelphiaby a group of Nobel
Prize winners. He also received the 6 April Award of
the City of Sarajevo. Bosnians widely vote for Masovic
as personality of the year in the local press.

Feel free to pass this on to interested persons.

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Ivo Skoric
19 Baxter Street
Rutland VT 05701
ivo at balkansnet.org

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