Fwd: Call to Artists and other Regular People (+dabble)

Klas Oldanburg noemata at kunst.no
Sun Dec 7 01:50:01 CET 2003

"I would like you to contribute the instruction pieces and I will carry 
(some of) them out in public alley 818 in Boston"

//ps: please instruct any _bugs to me!

(this could be nice code/art, regular/people -
recursive calls - hang me, etc)
please move any arm, like a leg,
if you bump into a wall you're finished
but before completing the gesture -
move a leg, just like arm in the example

                                           %%bump //end

or some more advanced structure, say nomic, metainstructions.
try submit some..

a nice performance would be 'hack me' for interactive dancer, hadde ikke 
bek 'hacker'? her er målet å overskride begrensningene i ..ja du 
forstår.. dette er mer sånn rett på grensene, utmanøvrere

what about a 'hello world' musical? breakdance? ascii-art lies down on 

(uhm, ge some sleep...sorry this messg, the obvious)= 
ideareal isbn 82-92428-06-2

the forward

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From: "Kanarinka" <kanarinka at ikatun.com>
To: nettime-ann at nettime.org
Reply-To: Kanarinka <kanarinka at ikatun.com>
Subject: Fwd: <nettime-ann> [call] Call to Artists and other Regular 
Date: 06/12/2003 22:46:34

[apologies for cross postings]

[please forward to everyone]

hello nettime,

Please contribute to my new project: "public alley 818, Boston, MA, USA"
- http://www.ikatun.com/k/publicalley818/ 

"public alley 818" is an urban intervention (It intervenes right into an
alley near my house). Recently I have begun exploring questions of
potentiality, play and public space through the creation of
Fluxus/Ono-like scores. In this project, I would like you to contribute
the instruction pieces and I will carry (some of) them out in public 
818 in Boston.

I would like to invite you all to take a moment to dream up an
instruction piece for public alley 818 in Boston, MA, USA.

Here's how it works:

1) You submit an instruction piece here:

2) All instruction pieces are published in the Gallery of Instructions
here: http://www.ikatun.com/k/publicalley818/submitted.php

3) Then I choose which pieces to enact (and how many different versions 
enact) and those go in the Gallery of Enactments:

Thanks in advance for your participation/collaboration!

best wishes,

ps: please report any bugs to me!

nettime-ann mailing list
nettime-ann at nettime.org

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